Sunday, September 22, 2013


This week seemed to fly by -- especially the weekend. So, on Tuesday, I ended up going to the doctor with our program director, Ana, to have my enfermidad (sickness) looked at. On a side note, I think the word "enferma" holds so much more significance and weight than the English word "sick". AsĂ­ (So) I will be using that a lot more often. Vale (Okay). So the doctor told me immediately that my enfermidad es (is) bug bites from some bug that stuck on my clothes. That bug then proceeded to cuddle up in my other clothes. Rude: he was not invited. (Another side note, the word for "to cuddle" in Spanish is "achuchar". When you want to make it a command [cuddle me], the word is "achĂșchame". Go ahead, say it. It's fun. You're welcome). Anyways, I went to the pharmacy and got medicated soap and hydrocortisone cream to put on. When I got back home, Nieves had another woman in the apartment just cleaning everything. Absolutely everything. Then, we took any article of clothing that I brought with me and washed it all at the laundromat down the street. I felt so bad that Nieves had to spend so much time, energy, and money that day. I tried to tell her how sorry I felt, but conveying any emotion other than confusion in Spanish is pretty difficult still. When that was all over, it was nice to be able to breathe again. All seems to be getting better but if any of you feel like saying a quick prayer or sending some good, healthy vibes my way, feel free to. I'd like very much to be rid of this inconvenience once and for all. 

On Wednesday night, I went speed dating with Olivia. Erasmus Speed dating. Yes, I have always wanted to do that. I love talking to people and I definitely didn't do it to actually get a date because, let's be honest (les-bihonest for you Pitch Perfect fans...) I probably wouldn't be able to understand them anyways...I met a couple nice folks. There was this kid from Hungary who only spoke English, so that was nice. He seemed to think I was funny, which is always a plus, I guess. Then, there was this Italian kid who I always see when I go out. He's a cutie, really. All was going so well talking with him! Well, up until the point that I mentioned that I like Chicago pizza better than Italian. He told me straight up, "You don't ever say that to an Italian..." Great. Good going there, Melissa. Having an actually successful conversation with a male specimen and you go and say that. Well, bump in the road, but I don't think it ruined the conversation. Ah well, maybe next time.

On Friday, Elise, Alex, and I left from class to go to Lisbon to visit Helena and her family. As soon as we got there, we began to do things. No resting for us. We went to the docks by the river and ate dinner and drank (a little too much too quickly to be honest). It was such a wonderful time. We ate at this Italian place and I had the most delicious meal I've ever eaten in my whole life: spinach ravioli with bacon. With a couple glasses of wine and a morangoshka (typical Portuguese drink that I remember from my first time in Lisbon: vodka, crushed strawberries, sent from God) already in me, this was a revolutionary and life-changing platter. After dinner, we went to a karaoke bar where Alex and I sang Adele. Why? I don't know, but we did. It happened. There's a picture. After this, we went to Helena's friend's house. Sofia is the nicest and I met her in 2011 when I first went to Lisbon. They were just having a get together with about 10 of her friends and she invited us as well. It was so fun. We sat and talked for hours. I was sobering up, therefore, becoming indescribably tired. We left and returned to Helena's apartment to go to bed. 

On Saturday, we pretty much walked our asses off. We got up and walked around the city until 4pm, when we took a free walking tour that took us even more around the city and up to the castle on the highest hill. It was a really great time. That day, it was Helena's mom's birthday, so we went up to their other house for a birthday dinner with a lot of her mom's friends. It was such a good time. It was one of those times where you just feel so incredibly blessed by the company of the people you're with. I was sitting at a table with my beloved sister, my friends Elise and Alex (who are just two of the most wonderful people you could ever imagine meeting), wine, laughter, and delicious food -- which is exactly what I told you this blog would be about. My heart could not have been more happy and I silently thanked God over and over again for this incredible opportunity, the love and friendship of a second family, and the experiences He's lined up for me in the future. 
Alex, Elise, and myself

The streets of Lisbon

Helena and I

The view from the terrace

The other view from the terrace

The four of us

Lena with Lisbon in the background

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